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Oops, Sorry Guys!

Well I fucked that up already! If you’re wondering what I’m talking about, it’s this! LOL! I didn’t post last week, cause lets be real, I got busy, forgot and then all together just didn't do it. So much for holding myself accountable. But I did get my shit together in other areas of my life so I’ll call that a win. Anyways how have you been?

Me Wednesday Morning After Forgetting to Post

It has officially been a month since I started washing my face every night. Now I have to be honest and say I did forget a few nights. Well not forget so much, more like I lay down and then was too comfortable slash to lazy to get back up and do it. But I will say this, the morning after those “forgetful” nights, was always the worse. My eyelashes felt gunky, my skin was dry and sad looking and the bags under my eyes looked like those of a loaded up donkey carrying goods over the Himalayas. All around it was just no good.

Sums Up My Feelings on The No Wash Mornings

Now the mornings where I had washed the night before and done a skin care routine were glorious! Julie Andrews sang, the birds chirped and my skin shone bright and fresh like the sun itself! I basically felt like I was waking up as a Disney Princess every morning. But for real, my skin did feel amazing and I looked more put together than the regular “didn't wash my makeup off” monster I was used to seeing in the mirror every morning.

All and all I’m going to give this new habit a 9/10. The benefits 100% outweigh the cons, but I'm deducting a point for being a pain in the ass. There you have it, straight from some random ginger chick on the internet, washing your face/makeup off every night is good! Give it a try yourself and see how your skin changes or don’t, who gives a fuck.

Now that I’m a regular “face washer” I'll have to work on being a better “financially responsible” person...It's just so hard with all the cute shoes out there. Anyone else feel me?

Speaking of shoes though, and fashion, outfits, ALL THE THINGS. I can't wait to show you guys my Alt Summit outfits!!! I’ll save that for next week. Until then keep up the beautiful things you're doing!

Have a Fucking Fantabulous Week Peeps

The Toasted Ginger

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